Brisbane’s Newest Riverside Public Space Now Underway

Photo credit: Queen's Wharf Brisbane/Facebook

As part of the $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development, work has started on the construction of Brisbane’s newest riverside public space. The project will transform the riverfront opposite South Bank.

Two barges are used to construct a 450-metre above-water pedestrian Mangrove Walk as well as a new public recreational area called Waterline Park.

Credit: Queen’s Wharf Brisbane/Facebook

Moreover, the underside of the Riverside Expressway is also getting an exciting mural makeover.

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Work in Progress

Photo of the site from high up 1 William Street. Photo credit: Queen’s Wharf Brisbane/Facebook

According to Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Director Simon Crooks, the start of public realm works will significantly provide a highly visible series of activities along the riverfront.

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“The first works will be to construct temporary river-based work platforms and prune the existing mangroves before we start to build the walkway,” Mr Crooks said.

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“The Mangrove Walk will provide an alternative path from the Botanic Gardens to Queen’s Wharf, with interpretative heritage, integrated story-telling elements and additional mangrove plantings and a rejuvenation program in the area,” he added.

Credit: Queen’s Wharf Brisbane/Facebook

The river’s edge construction works will occur over the next 12 months to ensure that the Mangrove Walk and Waterline Park will be open in the second half of 2019.

“These will provide new public areas to enjoy along the riverfront long before the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development is expected to commence opening in 2022,” Mr Crooks said.

There is also an ongoing work in the Bicentennial Bikeway. It involves the upgrade of the first section of the bikeway to a dedicated 3-metre-wide bike path and the 2-metre-wide pedestrian path between the Goodwill Bridge and 1 William Street.

The bikeway section from the Goodwill Bridge to the back of 1 William Street will be closed for 12 months due to upgrades. Photo credit: Queen’s Wharf Brisbane/Facebook

Furthermore, upgrades will continue to the bikeway across the full one-kilometre length of the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development.

Riverside Expressway Artworks

Destination Brisbane Consortium had appointed an independent panel of Queensland art community representatives to select artwork to feature throughout the precinct’s public spaces.

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The panel has already selected the first art piece for the development. In fact, the colourful mural is currently being applied to the underside of the Riverside Expressway.

“Our panel chose the mural because it uses sub-tropical Queensland colours to portray the tidal changes of the Brisbane River, in a piece designed by Australian artist Alice Lang,” Mr Crooks said.

In addition, the panel will announce more artworks for the public space after their selection process.

Brisbane’s Newest Riverside Public Space

Waterline Park:

  • a 4,000m2 inner-city park that will enable a variety of recreational uses including:
    • outdoor exercise equipment
    • outdoor table tennis tables
    • shaded seating areas
    • grassed areas
    • subtropical landscaping

Mangrove Walk:

  • a 450m walkway from the Botanic Gardens to Queen’s Wharf Brisbane
  • the walkway will require 102 piles to enable construction of a pavilion, rest areas and crossovers. The piles will also support a cantilevered bikeway upgrade where original sections are too narrow to accommodate the 3-metre bikeway and separated 2-metre-wide pedestrian path.
  • 1,300 tonnes of reinforced concrete will be used to construct the walkway, a pavilion, and five rest areas
  • 83 pieces of concrete panels and girders will be pre-cast and sections transported by barge from Murrarie for installation
  • the walkway will feature:
    • an Indigenous message trail
    • an exploratory trail with educational installations and interpretive signage
    • a series of landings and lookouts with shaded seating nooks to enjoy the view
    • an elevated pavilion with views along Brisbane River
    • a launching facility for small non-motorised crafts such as kayaks and canoes

The new riverside public spaces will certainly transform tourism experience in the City. To learn more about the development, visit the official website of Queen’s Wharf Brisbane. You may also check their Facebook page for updates.