XXXX Brewery in Milton has shifted to 100 per cent renewable solar power after signing a Power Purchase Agreement with the Woolooga Solar Farm.
Justin Merrell, the sustainability director of Lion, which owns XXXX Brewery, hailed this move as the latest evolution for the company. It comes two years after Lion was certified as the first large-scale carbon-neutral brewer in Australia.
“The 144-year-old XXXX brewery at Milton is one of Brisbane’s most historic landmarks, but this latest evolution to 100 per cent renewable electricity proves this icon of Australian brewing, is still capable of moving with the times,” Mr Merrell said.
“All of our beer produced here – up to 250 million litres annually – is now made using 100% renewable electricity. This agreement will stop around 138,000 tonnes of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere. That’s the equivalent of taking 45,000 cars off the road.”

Deputy Premier Steven Miles said that this deal shows business confidence to invest in decarbonisation.
“An increasing number of companies want to decarbonise their operations and offer consumers low-emission products, made in Queensland,” Mr Miles said.
“The pipeline of renewable projects in the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan means we will continue to see more and more companies make the transition and lower emissions.
“With the PPA in place, Lion has reached their target of 100% purchased renewable electricity by 2025 in Australia, two years ahead of schedule. And they’re Australia’s first large-scale carbon neutral brewer.”
“Milton mangos will now be solar-powered by Queensland sunshine.”
Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen Mick de Brenni said the move meant all of Lion’s beers brewed across Australia would now be brewed with 100% procured renewable electricity.
“XXXX is proudly brewing solar-powered beers with 100% renewable electricity from right here in the sunshine state,” Mr de Brenni said.
“More consumers are demanding action on climate, so now XXXX will be the beer of choice for the emissions and climate-conscious.”
Follow XXXX Brewery on Facebook for more updates.