What Our Promotional Partnerships Look Like Over 6 Months

At Milton Today we have 6 slots set aside for Promotional Partnerships.

The Promotional Partnership is the ideal format to support Milton Today AND attract new customers
as well as encourage past customers to return to you.

Milton Today is all about helping local businesses that support us.

Once all 6 Promotional partnership slots have been taken, you are welcome to join the waiting list
Advertise with us.

What's the difference between a Promotional Partner and an Advertiser?

Promotional Partnerships include a widely distributed feature article and a widely distributed Q&A feature along with a slot on our eye catching dynamic advertising system, making and keeping your brand top of mind on your doorstep.

As an Advertiser you will get either a slot on our eye-catching dynamic advertising system or a standalone advert depending on your preference.

What's the cost difference between a Promotional Partnership and an Advert?

Nothing, from April 2023 Promotional Partnerships are being offered for the same price as an advert, $20 per week plus GST. Email david@miltontoday.com.au to discuss your business taking advantage of the growing readership on Milton Today